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Optimize Your Uberflip Extension and Master Sales Enablement [Marketers]

Content is a key player in the way your sales reps engage with prospects. Your buyers are digital first, meaning reps only have a short sliver of time to actually speak with them one-on-one. This results in content becoming the main way they shape and influence that buying decision. 

But so much of their time is wasted on finding relevant content to share with prospects. Did you know, the average sales rep only spends 30 hours each month searching for and creating their own selling materials? 

On one hand, you want to cut down on all of the back and forth with sales reps who are looking for content, but on the other, you don’t want them creating their own. Most of these assets end up being off-brand, off-message, and distributed without marketing approval. 

That’s why we created the Uberflip Extension, a powerful email extension that makes it easy for you to empower sales reps with content, while ensuring that your prospects are engaged with relevant, marketing-approved content. 

In this post, we’ll cover the three ways you can optimize your Uberflip Extension and master sales enablement.

Control Which Streams Are Available in the Extension

As a marketer, it’s your responsibility to curate what content is in the Uberflip Email Extension and available for your reps to share and use in their Sales Streams. 

By default, every Stream you create is available in the extension for your reps to find. Hidden Items in your Hub won’t be available, but anything that is visible in these Streams is visible in the extension. 

You do have the option, however, to exclude Streams from the extension; this is a powerful capability that allows you to curate the experience for your sales reps. By choosing what Streams to include in the extension, you can cut out the noise, make their jobs easier, and retain control over the content experience. 

To exclude a Stream from the extension, go to the Options tab and disable the option labeled “Show in Extensions.” 

Tip: Make this a key part of your regular content audits so you can always ensure your extension experience is optimized with the best possible collection of content. You’ll also want to build this into your Stream creation process, so your marketing team knows to consider whether a new Stream should be made available or not.  

Pin Streams for Increased Visibility 

There may be certain Streams that you want to promote in the extension and encourage reps to utilize. In this case, you can pin a Stream to the top of the extension menu, where it’s top of mind and easily accessible. 

To pin a Stream, go to the Options tab and enable the option labeled “Pin in Extensions.”

Tip: This feature is perfect for promoting campaign- or event-related content, or key evergreen Streams around customer stories, funnel stages, or products. 

Create and Use Tags With Reps in Mind

Tags are an extremely powerful tool for making content easy to find in your extension. Reps can easily search by tag and combine them to get super specific. 

While it’s important to think about tagging from the lens of your customer, it's also important to think about it from the perspective of your sales reps. You should create tags that are relevant to their needs and their intent when searching for content. 

Consider adding these categories to your tagging taxonomy with the specific purpose of making content easy to find for your sales reps: 

  • Funnel stages
  • Common objections 
  • Buyer personas
  • Top competitors
  • Product lines
  • Industries


If you’re enabling your sales team with content through the Uberflip Email Extension, then kudos to you! But ask yourself, “Am I providing the best possible experience for my reps, making it easy to find the most relevant content for their prospects?”

If not, consider following the steps above to optimize your Uberflip Email Extension and make it the best possible tool for your reps. 

If they aren’t already using the extension, share this article we created specifically for sales reps and encourage them to get started! 

For any other questions, contact our support team at