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Uberflip Analytics: What to Track Right Now!

Uberflip Analytics Introduction

Proving return-on-investment is the holy grail for today’s modern day marketer. How can you show campaigns are resonating and the content that supports them actually drive business?

This is challenging for a few reasons:

  1. There is too much data to look at
  2. Systems are complex and often involve connecting multiple platforms together, and
  3. You actually need to make sense of it all without needing a PhD in data science (although having a few of those on the team doesn’t hurt).

Helping marketers understand how their content experience is performing is why we built Uberflip Analytics from the ground up. It supports the needs of marketers like yourself and helps you do your job better. Let’s face it—knowing your numbers and keeping a close eye on them helps you in many ways, mainly; identifying what’s working, what's not working, ways to improve, and how you can implement tactics that actually improve performance.

In this post, we’ll outline five key things you can do with Uberflip Analytics that will make you a rock star in the eyes of your boss!

1. Make Better Decisions

Uberflip Analytics helps you make better decisions with workflow-centric dashboards catered to the needs of marketers.

Explore how campaigns are performing, what content is being consumed, where visitors are coming from, and what content journeys lead to a conversion—all using visualizations that are easy to understand and action off from.

2. Analyze Your Content Experience 

Uberflip Analytics enables you to access in-depth reports to get a detailed understanding of all aspects of performance related to campaigns and content experience. View key engagement metrics like time on page, scroll depth, pages per session, and more—right down to the stream and individual item level

3. Focus on the Right Information

Uberflip Analytics enables you to look at large data sets with ease by using filters to drill down based on fields in Uberflip.

For example, you might want to filter the results to the last three months for a quarterly analysis, or look at a specific content type to see if it is meeting expectations, or isolate a specific campaign based on Urchin Tracking Module (UTM)  parameters in a particular region.

Our Analytics platform lets you slice and dice the data so you only see what matters to your business. 

4. Export Data to Third-Party Platforms

Uberflip Analytics works within the existing data environment of your organization.

You can send data directly to a number of third-party destinations using native integration capabilities from the most popular providers such as Amazon S3. Alternatively, you can leverage email and export in formats like CSV for the ultimate in data portability.

5. Stay Up To Date With Changes

Uberflip Analytics improves your productivity by allowing you to keep on top of data as it changes with reports that are automatically delivered based on the criteria that matter to you.

You can schedule a periodic delivery, such as delivering a certain dashboard every Monday for that executive meeting. 


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About the Author

Rahim is a former Senior Product Marketing Manager at Uberflip. He loves understanding the market, crafting messaging, and enabling internal teams for success.

Profile Photo of Rahim Lalani