Tags and smart filters: the way to achieving scale
Useful for: Organizing your content, automating manual processes to launch destinations at scale, personalizing the buyer journey, and increasing content utilization through improved discoverability.
Tech you’ll need:
Uberflip | Marketing Automation Platform | Personalization App | Spreadsheet |
1. How to improve content discoverability with tags
In this age of carrying tiny computers around in our pockets, we never have to wonder anything ever again. As consumers, the answers are all at our fingertips in the form of content. As marketers, we strive to provide those answers for our potential customers and our internal stakeholders—all we have to do is make it easy for them to find the right information on our site.
As you begin your content experience journey with Uberflip, the best way to accomplish this is through the use of tags. It is important to set up a tagging structure to ensure your content can be discovered by prospects, customers, and members of your organization, and also as a way for you to build and automate campaign destinations using smart filters.
Take a look at the chart below to get an idea about options for a tagging structure. The structure should be modeled based on how prospects, customers, and organization members search for their information.
2. How to automate and scale content experiences
Great marketing means having full control over your content in order to create amazing experiences for your audience. Unfortunately, there’s often a catch: the better your experiences become, the more time and effort they need to be maintained.
Smart filters help to reduce that time and effort by automating your content management workflows. With smart filters, you can automatically select items that meet the criteria of your choice, then apply one or more actions (like adding to or removing from streams, tagging, etc.). You can then choose to run the action(s) whenever a specified event takes place, or simply on demand.
Automate the creation of your campaigns without even lifting a finger, by using smart filters! After you’ve tagged your content appropriately, you can then run a smart filter to pull that content into the destination you’re using for any type of campaign. There’s no longer any need to individually add items one by one. Select the filter to run that makes the most sense, and see your stream fill automatically with relevant content.
Furthermore, smart filters can be used to ensure that your resource center is displaying the most up-to-date content. Tag your items as you create them, according to your organization’s tagging structure, then have a smart filter that runs to pull your newly created items into your resource center's homepage or your featured Marketing Streams. There are different filter runs that will control when the filter goes through your hub to find the items. Some of these are: 'When an Item is Created or Imported', 'When an Item is Edited', and 'When an Item is Created, Edited or Imported'.
Using tags to dynamically personalize at scale
You can also use tags to dynamically personalize your campaign destinations at scale. The three apps powered by integrations, Demandbase, 6sense, and Bombora, allow marketers to dynamically change content on a Marketing Stream (among other things).
If you tag your content using the variables defined in our documentation and use the correct format, you can dynamically change the content that appears in your Marketing Stream for your ABM campaigns. Creating smart filters in this case will be incredibly useful for you to leverage to automate adding the app-specific tags to content.
3. Conduct a content audit [template]
We always like to suggest conducting a content audit to understand what content you have, where the gaps are, and to provide insight into how you should organize your content for discoverability. We know it can be hard to take a step back, but it’s important to take stock of what you have so you can effectively manage your content experiences. We’ve put together a template (below) to get you started.
How to use this template:
- Start by pulling as much information as is available to you from your CMS including titles, dates, authors, URLs, SEO titles and descriptions.
- If you need to use multiple spreadsheets to gather this information, do so, and use VLOOKUP to help marry all the information together. More on that here.
- Then pull performance information from Google Analytics and match this with your URLs.
- If you don't have topic, funnel stage, or buyer persona tags in use, some of this process will be manual. But take the time now to label each article in your spreadsheet and then add the requisite back-end tags to make the process easier next time.
NOTE: Be sure to make a copy of the template so you can edit, tweak, and fill in the blanks.
Organized for success!
Organizing content in a way that makes sense for your audience is incredibly important not only for ensuring they can find what they need, but also for continuing to educate them about your brand and nurturing them through the buyer journey. Make sure that when you’re presenting your content to the world, you ask yourself, “If I were searching for an answer to a question, how (easily) would I find it on my site?”. Once you’re organized, you can automatically build relevant streams of content intelligently personalized to your customers’ needs, and set your organization up for success.
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