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How to Organize Your Content for ABM

Embarking on ABM this year? Once you've chosen your target accounts and built out your tiered campaign approach, you're going to want to determine what content you have available to use in your campaigns. Your current content library is likely a mess, so the first step for any marketer tasked with account-based marketing is auditing and segmenting your content. 

What is a Content Audit?

If a tree falls in the forest piece of content is created, but no one is there to see it leverage it, does it make it sound generate any results?

Research from SiriusDecisions shows that up to 70 percent of the content created by B2B marketing teams is never used. This staggering amount of waste can be attributed, in large part, to the fact that we simply have no visibility into the vast amount of content that already exists in our organization. Content is often created in silos across various teams or on different platforms and never crosses over.

We waste time, effort, and money creating content that likely already exists in another team’s inbox, wiki, or Dropbox folder.

When it comes to executing on your ABM strategy, many marketers think they need to invest in creating new content when in reality they likely have everything they need. That’s why in this early stage, we suggest you perform a content audit to better understand what assets you have at your fingertips that can be used in your ABM campaigns.

A content audit is essentially bringing organizational harmony to the chaos that is your current content library. It starts with aggregating all of your existing assets into one source of truth, with all of the necessary information you need to then organize and segment them into contextual collections. You do this based on a number of different characteristics, for example, topics, industries, product lines, verticals, past performance, personas, and much more.

With a thorough content audit, you’ll quickly be able to find all of your content assets for topic A, targeted at persona B, in industry C, in a matter of seconds.

Content Attributes

Depending on your organization and how you plan to leverage your content, there may be a wide range of attributes you may want to capture for each of your content pieces in order create a thorough content audit. However, to get you started, we suggest considering the ones below:

  • Title - Name or title of the piece of content.

  • Internal URL - Where internal teams can go to access this piece of content.

  • External URL - Where the public can go to see this piece of content.

  • Format - The content type or format i.e. video, blog, ebook.

  • Published Date - Original date of publication.

  • Last Updated - The last time this item was edited/updated.

  • SEO Status - Whether this content item is indexed by search engines.

  • Title Tag - SEO title that’s indexed by search engines.

  • Meta Description - SEO description that’s indexed by search engines.

  • Word Count - The length of this content item.

  • Author - The author of this piece of content.

  • Accessible By - The teams or people that can access this piece of content.

  • Topics - The topics this content item is related to.

  • Industries - The industries this content item is related to.

  • Target Persona(s) - The personas that would find this content item relevant.

  • Monthly Traffic - The total monthly traffic this piece receives.

  • Social Shares - The number of social shares this piece has received.

  • Social Likes - The number of social likes this piece has received.

Try Our Content Audit Template

There are many tools out there that can help you perform a content audit, but why not start with a simple spreadsheet. We’ve created the free template below that will help you create a simple content audit for your team.

Audit and Organize at Scale

Auditing your content in a spreadsheet is a great start, but if you’re looking to save time and truly consolidate your content into a central library that can be leveraged across your organization, you should check out Uberflip.

Our platform allows you to import and aggregate all of your content into a single Content Hub where you can tag and segment your assets in any way you choose.

From there you can use smart filters to automatically build contextual content collections that are relevant based on a single or number of attributes.

Laying the Groundwork

In order to succeed with ABM, you need to lay the groundwork for a scalable content strategy. Auditing and organizing your content can require a bit of upfront time investment, but the return is enormous.

Once you have all of your content laid out in front of you in a way that’s easy to slice and dice, you’ll be able to quickly find the assets you need for any ABM play. Or at the very least, know for certain what you have and don’t have in your arsenal, so you can make an educated decision on where to invest your content dollars.

Does the thought of creating hundreds of pieces of content for ABM keep you up at night? Check out our No-Fear Guide to Scaling Personalized Content for ABM.