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How Lev used vertical-specific landing pages to connect with partners

Meet Lev

Lev is a premier digital consulting agency that specializes in connecting top brands with Salesforce customers looking for data-driven insights and solutions for personalization across the customer journey. Lev was acquired by Cognizant in 2020 and is considered the top global Salesforce Marketing Cloud consultancy for marketers around the world. They have 300 employees and are headquartered in Indianapolis.


Before Uberflip, Lev needed to accelerate the sales cycle and increase sales conversions but struggled with creating personalized content for their target accounts at scale. They needed a solution that would allow their sales team to build stronger partner relationships by engaging prospects with targeted marketing-approved content quickly.


The Lev team created Marketing Streams for each of their target verticals that would be used for targeted social, newsletters, and 1:1 outreach campaigns. They also made these Streams available in Sales Assist for their sales team to use as conversation starters in their email outreach.

Because Lev’s business connects vendors to Salesforce customers, they partnered with one of their vendors on a manufacturing campaign that included LinkedIn Ads that directed prospects to an ebook in a sales stream that highlighted Lev’s value proposition and included CTAs that would hopefully spur conversions.

Those who clicked on the LinkedIn ad also received a personalized email containing a link to the manufacturing marketing stream with more relevant content to them.

While the Marketing team attracted visitors to the vertical-specific campaign streams, the sales team was creating even more personalized content destinations for their target accounts using Sales Assist. Using templates, their reps could create branded and personalized Sales Streams in a matter of minutes and use them to not only foster those partner relationships but hopefully increase meetings booked.

The results? The industry streams have each almost reached 40k views and have generated countless meetings booked. Lev believes Uberflip is an invaluable tool for developing partner relationships and establishing their brand recognition across multiple verticals.