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Sales Assist: Enable your buyers with relevant content to close deals faster

Uberflip Blog - How to empower your sales team with Sales Assist

Each encounter with a prospect is a fresh opportunity to provide value. If your revenue teams aren’t making the most of those opportunities, that’s cash you’re leaving on the table. Engagement decreases, deals fizzle out—and your buyers become bored, frustrated, or confused. That’s bad. 

So, how do you engage prospects effectively? 

Uberflip’s Sales Assist is a marketing-governed Digital Sales Room solution that empowers your sales team to use content to enable buyers and close deals faster. Sales Assist helps reps quickly find marketing-certified content and collateral that tells a consistent, compelling story about your product and brand—from first contact to close. 

Powered by data-driven insights and collaboration between sales and marketing teams, Sales Assist enables everyone to capitalize on revenue opportunities. By delivering personalized content experiences that engage prospects at every stage of the buying journey, you’ll keep the conversation going and deals in motion. 

And that’s good. Very, very good.

What is Sales Assist?

Sales Assist is a Digital Sales Room solution that leverages Uberflip Content Library to enable sales teams to access and easily share content through the applications your reps are already using. It lets them find the high-value content they need, sprinkle in some of their own collateral—like sales presentations and price quotes—and send it out as a personalized package.

Badda bing, badda boom.

Why do I need Sales Assist?

The evidence suggests that buyers today want a seller-free experience. According to Gartner, 43% percent of all B2B buyers desire a seller-free sales experience—a preference that climbs to 54% for millennials. Many prefer to do the majority of their buying process without ever speaking to sales. 

Your customers clearly want to drive their own unique buying journeys by gathering the info they need to make a smart purchase decision.

That doesn’t mean, though, that you should sit on your hands. 

Sales Assist lets you collaborate digitally during the buying process without increasing friction or creating frustration by serving up that content. This collaboration happens through creating Digital Sales Rooms built on personalized content that engages prospects at every stage of the buying journey and encourages self-education.

Sales Assist is the ultimate solution for B2B sales teams to close deals with personalized content experiences, powered by data-driven insights and seamless partnership between your sales and marketing teams.

Sales Assist for Marketers...

Did you know that 70% of content created by marketing goes unused by sales? 

If you, like most marketers, are used to hearing from sales how hard it is to find content—or worse, you’re being asked for the same pieces again and again—then Sales Assist is for you. It’s designed to increase discoverability in two ways: through specific searches using tags and by showing the most shared content from your library. (Sales reps see what’s working for their peers and become more likely to adopt it as a result.)

Plus, Sales Assist lets your marketing team control the flow of content so that only assets that are approved get used in sales conversations. This means your reps will only be delivering your latest messaging and highlighting the value props and use cases that align with your go-to-market plans. 

Jocelyn Lo is the former Associate Marketing Director, Sales Enablement, at TripleLift. Before implementing Uberflip and Sales Assist, her team was struggling to manage their content and make it accessible to the sales team.


"Uberflip has been the answer to our content experience prayers,” says Lo. "We had long struggled to find a platform that could help us easily manage all types of content in one centralized location with sophisticated searching capabilities and customizable content experiences. Now, with Uberflip’s Sales Assist, our sales team can easily locate any material they need within seconds—right in their email—and create beautifully designed, customized content experiences for any client in just a few clicks."

Sales Assist for Sales Reps...

The days of sitting at a desk behind a computer are gone.

Today’s sales teams are mobile; whether that’s working remotely, meeting prospects at industry events, or simply getting back on the road. Sales Assist is designed to be used on mobile devices, giving you access to your company’s content library on the go, so you can respond instantly to prospects who need valuable content to move along their buyer journey.

And the best part? There’s no need to learn the ins and outs of the Uberflip platform to get the most out of Sales Assist. It integrates with your favorite tools like Salesloft, Outreach, Gmail, Outlook, Calendly, Salesforce, Vidyard, Drift, and more, making it a seamless addition to your existing workflow. 

Sales Assist for Sales Leaders...

Sales Assist keeps you focused on the bigger picture by providing tools to track buyer behaviors and interactions, allowing you to adjust strategies and messaging to better align with buyers' needs and interests. 

You’ll uncover key sales insights and measure how your team can better maximize their efforts with content. You’ve also got various options to identify visitors before they begin exploring your content. This gives your team the opportunity to expand your account influence, grow your contact database, and capture valuable first-party data. 

Amber Francis is the Lead Service Designer, Digital Transformation, at EcoVadis. Before implementing Uberflip and Sales Assist, her team was struggling with creating engaging experiences relevant to every visitor to their website. Their goal was to create targeted messaging and personalized pages that would serve up tailored content for each unique visitor.

“We started using Uberflip for marketing but now we extended to empower sales reps,” says Francis.  “Reps can create their own marketing approved Digital Sales Rooms that are targeted and personalized to ignite engagement through high relevance.” As a result, EcoVadis was able to increase hot leads that were sent to sales by 33% year over year.

How do I know it’s working?

That’s the golden question, isn’t it? Sales Assist’s analytics dashboards help sales teams track content performance across all in-flight deals, making it easier to discover which content resonates by persona, industry, and buyer role, and see which sellers are driving engagement through hyper-personalized experiences.

Sales will also know through real-time notifications that prospects are viewing your content. With email, in-app, and desktop notifications sellers can get real-time updates on what prospects are engaging with, giving them the context they need to continue the conversation—whether that means serving up new content or jumping on a call. 

Thanks to Sales Assist, the path forward becomes clear once you know what content has been consumed, and your team can be highly targeted with their next engagement. 


Try Sales Assist for yourself. We’ve got plenty more to say, but we know that seeing is believing. Book a demo today to get a valuable walkthrough of Sales Assist in action.

How Sales Assist empowers your sales team

More effective use of content

Because sales teams necessarily focus on selling—not on content—it's likely that your team isn't always using the best pieces to drive conversions, leading to lengthier sales cycles and losing potential buyers to competitors. To address this challenge, Sales Assist offers tools that help sales quickly find, curate, and share content that engages buyers and boosts conversion rates.
Better alignment between sales and marketing

Misalignment between sales and marketing teams can lead to inconsistent messaging, duplicate efforts, and missed opportunities. Sales Assist is a centralized platform for sales and marketing teams to collaborate on content creation, messaging, and analytics. It’s called "marketing" for a reason—because it’s smark.

Make self-education central to selling

Today, people just want relevant content. No fluff. No hard sells. Sales Assist provides tools to help sales teams track buyer behaviors and interactions, allowing them to adjust their strategies, messaging, and the content they deliver to better align with buyers' needs and interests.

Leveling up the traditional sales email

Cold emails don't work because they often lack deeper personalization and relevance, leaving prospects with too many questions and too little guidance. Digital Sales Rooms allow sellers to curate tailored experiences for prospects, answering their specific needs in ways that resonate. 

Highlights of a few of our most recent updates

  • Templates—Get started sooner by using pre-designed templates to create a compelling and personalized experience that aligns with your target audience and goals. Customize the look, feel, content, and features, ensuring consistent branding and messaging. 

  • Add a gate CTA to a stream—Want to ensure your streams are only seen by prospects at the company you created it for or want to gather information on a visitor before they dive into your content? A gate CTA will allow you to do just that.

  • Targeted tagging—Improve content discoverability by showing the only most relevant tags to your sales team. This makes it easier for them to find the content they need and enhances content exploration and usage, boosting productivity and effectiveness.
  • Password-protected rooms—Ensure the confidentiality and security of sensitive data shared within the Digital Sales Room. You can control access and limit it to authorized individuals only, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining privacy.
  • ​​Welcome prospects with a pop-up video—When prospects visit your stream for the first time they'll be greeted by your video! It’s an amazing opportunity to send a personable, relevant message that’ll grab their attention.

  • Next-level martech integration—Optimize productivity by integrating Sales Assist with your existing martech stack. Consolidate data, streamline processes, and enhance collaboration across platforms, enabling efficient data sharing and a unified view of customer interactions. 
  • Chat integration—Integrate Sales Assist with chat platforms like Drift and keep the conversation going when your prospects are most engaged.
  • Book your next meeting, seamlessly—Calendly, Salesloft, Outreach, Chili Piper, or any other embeddable calendar-booking service can be beautifully integrated into any stream.

  • Real-time notifications—Track your engagement in real-time with notifications or view historical share activity and stats. If you're a Sales Assist admin, you can even view engagement stats across your team in one easy-to-view dashboard. 
  • Save your favorite items in one easy-to-find location—Tired of having to search for the same items over and over again? You can save favorites by simply clicking the new heart icon. You can access your favorites at any time from the search menu.

Try Sales Assist today

Sydney Sloan, CMO at Salesloft, agrees that Sales Assist is the tool marketing and sales teams have been asking for.

“At Salesloft, we’re dedicated to helping sales teams build pipeline and close more deals,” says Sloan. “Compelling content continues to be one of the top priorities in supporting sales efforts to be relevant and add value to each customer interaction. With Sales Assist, Uberflip has built the solution to this challenge.”

You can learn more about Sales Assist here, request a demo, and read how Sales Assist fits into your sales team’s content personalization strategy to engage their prospects.

About the Author

This post is brought to you by the Uberflip team. Uberflip’s <a href="">content experience platform</a> provides personalized pathways that turn prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. We're changing the way people think about content.

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