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How to use Uberflip to execute your ABM campaigns at scale

Man looking at laptop with Uberflip ABM stream

Most modern marketers understand that account-based marketing is now an essential strategy for effectively reaching and engaging with target accounts. The issue that many people are still running into, however, is being able to execute their ABM strategies at scale.

The good news is, there are a number of ways you can use Uberflip to help you do this. Below we’ve outlined some ways (with examples!) that will help you quickly and easily personalize streams of content for your target accounts.

Custom streams for outreach

We know that personalization is a highly effective marketing tactic, so why send your target accounts to static (and let’s be honest—snoozy) pages that vaguely cover what you can offer them?

Instead, Uberflip enables marketers like you to create customized and curated collections of content using either Marketing Streams or Sales Streams. In the instance of ABM, here’s what you’d use Streams for:

Marketing Streams: Marketing Streams allow Uberflip users to create a handpicked selection of content to present to a target account. Since personalization is a must for successful ABM, creating personalized streams can help you overcome half the battle of personalizing content for an account. Given the option of either personalizing six assets for Target Account 1, or personalizing one stream for that same account, which would you choose? (Yup, we’d choose the stream too!)

Sales Streams: Sales Streams were created with ABM and salespeople in mind. They’re a great solution for enabling salespeople to leverage content and personalized outreach while running in parallel with the marketing team’s inbound tactics and overall content strategy.

Like Marketing Streams, Sales Streams allow users to easily create a stream of content tailored to your target account, with stream-level personalization.

Menu highlighting "Copy to another Marketing Stream" option

To start creating streams at scale, you can easily duplicate a Sales Stream or Marketing Stream, edit the title and description to fit each unique account, and you’re off to the races!


Pssst… Try creating persona-based templates (loaded with the content of your choosing) using Marketing Streams, then allow your sales team to duplicate them as Sales Streams. From there, they can customize the company name, description, and logo, and you’ll know that you’re enabling sales with the content they need to close deals.


Using Stream templates to personalize ABM destinations

Stream Templates give you the power to personalize the design of your Marketing and Sales Streams in minutes. For ABM, you can use these streams as a destination for various forms of one-to-one, one-to-few, and one-to-many outreach. Under the Appearance tab of your Stream, you can alter everything from your banner, to colors, to logos.


Screenshot highlighting Appearance tab in the backend of Uberflip

In the example below from WCG, you’ll see that they’ve pulled in their logo, their target account’s logo, added a customized header and description, and most importantly, included a collection of content that’s particularly relevant to that account’s interests and business needs.

Content destination personalized for the University of Maryland

Uberflip as a destination for targeted ads

So you’re pumping money and resources into display ads and social media campaigns, but are you thinking strategically about what happens after your target accounts click on them? The post-click experience is just (if not more) important than your ads themselves. The destination you send people to is what makes them decide if they want to bounce or stay. Below you’ll see an example of a display ad from our friends at CollabNet VersionOne.


CollabNet VersionOne display ad


Once the targeted account clicks through the ad, they’ll be sent to a page like the one below that reinforces the ad messaging, but also provides additional resources that will engage that particular account.

CollabNet VersionOne content destination

When creating customized streams, it’s a good idea to include calls-to-action where people can engage further if they want to. This can include anything from webinar signups to demo requests, depending on how far down the funnel your accounts are.

Uberflip as a digital destination for direct mail plays

Customized streams can also serve as a digital destination for your direct mail plays. Check out the example below of a campaign that our account-based marketer at Uberflip ran. She sent our target accounts a box that included a bag of microwave popcorn and a note prompting the recipient to go visit our digital experience to book a demo, after which, we’d top up their Netflix account for a year.


Direct mail giftbox with popcorn and Netflix card


You’ll notice that the Stream is branded to match the experience created with the Netflix box, and also includes additional content that is likely to engage target accounts, who in this case were CMOs. It’s important to ensure that the content you’ve curated (and even the tone you’re speaking in) matches the company you’re hoping to engage.


Uberflip for CMOs curated digital content destination

Using the Uberflip extension for one-to-one emails

If you’re distributing one-to-one emails to your target accounts, consider using the Uberflip Chrome Extension to easily embed tiles from your Marketing or Sales Streams into Gmail emails, or get the Uberflip Outlook Extension and embed them into your Outlook emails.

When you click into the extension in your mail app, you’re able to browse through all of the content on your Hub to find the perfect thing to share with your target accounts.

Content for Personal Emails ABM | Uberflip

Getting more personal

If you’re up for it, stream templates allow you to get even more personalized with your outreach with customized CTA backgrounds. There are a ton of creative things you can do with CTAs, but in the instance of ABM, it’s a great idea to include a photo of the rep they’ll be reaching out to like Vidyard has in the example below. When someone clicks on the Connect with Reid button, they’re sent directly to Reid’s Calendly where they can book a meeting with him. How’s that for personalization?



Scaling ABM isn’t the easiest task, but tools like Marketing and Sales Streams, customized CTAs, and Uberflip Extensions make it a whole lot easier. Once you get started with these strategies, you’ll find that people are more compelled to stick around if they feel as if your content was created just for them.