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Four ways to infuse relevant content to your website using Uberflip

You have great content. You’ve created exceptional curated streams for campaigns, inbound marketing, and ABM efforts. You are rocking it! But can more be done to get the word out? The answer, my friends, is yes and the channel is a familiar one: your main website.

Your main website is the digital home you welcome visitors to every day and it probably receives a lot of traffic. Potential customers want to look around to gather information relevant to their needs before reaching out. And what better way is there to give them what they want than to serve up the right content, at the right time, in the right place?

In addition to linking your hub from your website menu, there are other ways to help visitors find and navigate to the content they desire. Let’s take a look at four ways you can incorporate content from Uberflip into your website.

1. Site Engager

You’ve worked hard to bring visitors to your website and don’t want to lose them. The more content and pages in your ecosystem they consume, the more interest is shown in your company and the more likely they are to convert. But what happens when they start scrolling and don’t know where to go next or, worse, start moving to the “Back” or “X” button in their browser tab?

Leveraging Uberflip’s AI technology, Site Engager is a turnkey solution to recommending relevant content when visitors indicate they might be leaving your site.  With this in your arsenal, you can feel confident that what your visitor is recommended hits the mark every time. By embedding a simple code snippet on your site you can display content relevant to the page the visitor is on in one of two ways:

a) Promo Tile

b) Exit Intent Popup

In the event that the visitor is making moves to bounce, a popup will appear to re-engage them with an enticing piece of content. To learn more about Site Engager and how to set it up, view this help article.

2. Reco Embed Widget

Another option to provide visitors content within your website experience is to add the Reco Embed Widget. Similar to Site Engager and using the same AI technology, Reco Embed Widget offers up relevant pieces of content within a popup window, so you’ll be able to keep visitors sticking around for longer. No need for visitors to jump to another page. The goal with this tool is to encourage content bingeing using content recommendations. Once they’ve consumed the pieces, encourage an action by adding a CTA to the experience.

To add the Reco Embed Widget to your website, follow this guide.

3. Embed Stream or Item Tiles

If you like the idea of having Stream tiles embedded on your page but would rather send the visitor to view the item in your hub, this may be the option for you. Easily embed single tiles, part of a Stream, or an entire Stream of content by copying the embed code and pasting it any place you want it to appear. You can also embed a single CTA tile to encourage conversion from anywhere.

An important thing to remember is that placement on the page is key. While it may make sense to just add the tile to the bottom of a page, average scroll depth may not get it in front of the intended eyeballs. If you want the item to stand out, ensure it is placed in a place where it will get noticed.

Follow these instructions to embed a single tile or these instructions to embed a Stream.

4. iFrame

Finally, do you want to give visitors the entire hub experience right there on your website? You can do this by iFraming your hub seamlessly into your website with the simple copy and paste of a script. The iFrame will bring in your entire hub structure, or you can elect to hide certain elements like the hero banner or footer.

Wrapping up

As you can see, there are several ways to incorporate all the great content you’ve created into your website and to do so with minimal effort. While the curated Streams within your hub play an important role in guiding and nurturing your prospects on their content journey, peppering in content to your website is an incredible way to marry the two digital resources and provide your visitors with the content they want, when and where they want it.

If you’re having trouble embedding content into your website, you may need to adjust your setup. Follow this detailed guide if additional support is needed or, as always, Uberflip’s Expert Services team is happy to lend a helping hand :)