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6 tips for optimizing engagement in your next campaign

6 tips for optimizing engagement in your next campaign

We all know there’s a lot to consider when it comes to launching a new campaign. To ensure we are attracting the right people, setting budgets, objectives, target audiences, start and end dates, and channels are necessary to define in the planning process. A lot of planning goes into the identify and attract stages of a campaign, but what about the engagement stage? 
It’s important that we approach the engagement portion of our campaigns with just as much care. Think about what you want visitors to do when they land on your page and if you are making it easy for them to do that. Defining the journey you want visitors to take will help you optimize that landing experience and leave your visitors wanting more.

We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips to consider as you’re building your next campaign. 

1. Select the right content for your target audience

At Uberflip we talk a lot about mapping content to specific segments to ensure we are serving up relevant and relatable content. This is an extremely important step in your campaign planning process, as you want to make sure you are piquing the interest of your audience with the right information. 

Is it an awareness campaign you’re running, in which case you’ll include introductory information on your company? Or are you targeting prospects further down the funnel, where they’re more interested in knowing how you compare against the competition and what others' experiences have been with your product or service? You may find at this point you have gaps in your content and need to create some new pieces.

When defining your target audience, be sure in addition to attracting a certain audience you are also engaging them with the right content.

2. Map out the journey

We are all familiar with mapping the customer journey along each stage of the buying process, but when designing a new campaign it’s also important to think about the journey you are guiding your visitors along in that particular instance. 

Journey mapping is the process of visualizing the possible paths your visitors can take and orchestrating an ideal path, ultimately leading to a final action.

Do you want to send your visitors straight to a new asset? Or to the stream level where they can self select the pieces they want to consume? If sending a visitor to the stream level, make sure you don’t have too many options and that you have curated each asset to the audience's interests to help encourage a click. We tend to see higher asset consumption levels when visitors are sent directly to a specific asset, as long as that asset is engaging. 

Build your campaign journey by keeping the objective or desired action in mind. This leads us to CTA strategy.

3. Use CTAs thoughtfully

Calls-to-action are the driving force behind any campaign as they encourage our audience to further engage. When a visitor completes your first CTA (to click through the ad, email, etc.) and finds themselves on your landing experience, what is the next action you want them to take? 

In certain cases that first action might be to consume a gated high-value asset. Leading visitors to a gated asset first means you’ll likely see your bounce rate jump, but you may also see quick conversions if the asset is well targeted and seen as valuable. (See tip 6 on analytics!) 

We typically encourage the first asset to be ungated to give the visitor something to consume with no strings attached. By using Uberflip’s built-in CTA capabilities, like the show-beside CTA, you can use prime real estate on the page to direct the visitor to take the next action you want them to take. 

Some of these next actions may include:

  • Link to another ungated asset
  • Link to a gated high-value asset
  • Link to the stream level
  • Link to an event registration page
  • Link to a product page on the corporate site
  • Form fill to subscribe to the newsletter
  • Form fill to book a demo
  • Form fill to speak to a rep

If you’re using a show-beside CTA, be sure to use the CTA variations tab to change the CTA on specific assets.

Another CTA option to consider is the content recommendation panel, which can function with AI and offers more options to the visitor. However, to avoid giving the visitor too many CTAs, we recommend using either the recommendation panel or the show-beside CTA, not both.

4. Optimize the landing experience

Once you’ve selected the landing page you want visitors sent to, make sure the on-page experience is optimized to engage. 

Including elements like imagery, h2 and h3 headers, bullet points, and other visual points of interest will help catch the visitors eye. There’s nothing that screams “bounce” more than a wall of text with no clear message as to what it’s all about. 

If you’re leading someone to a gated asset, make sure to add a summary outlining what the asset contains and what the visitor can expect to get in exchange for their information.

Check out these on-page optimization tips to help get the ideas flowing!

If you’re leading visitors to the stream level, spend some time making sure makes an impact, as described in tip 5.

5. Add personalization to your page

Personalized content experiences drive business growth. Not only is this our mission statement, but it is a core fundamental belief we stand b., We give you various ways to personalize streams.

At the most basic level, adding a banner image that relates to your target audience is a great starting point. Is your campaign targeting people in the manufacturing sector, in which case it makes sense to have an image showing people working in a manufacturing facility? Or is it a follow-up to an event, in which case an image with the event name in it makes sense? In addition to the banner, having a title and description that is specific to your target segment is important to thoughtfully craft.

But what if you want to go even further with the personalization and target specific accounts at scale? Leveraging intent data from partners such as Demandbase, 6Sense, Bombora, and more r, you can dynamically personalize content destinations at scale with personalization apps from Uberflip Marketplace. These let you dynamically change out logos, text attributes, and content so it gets personalized to the specific visitor.

6. Use analytics to measure and make adjustments

As we well know, what you can’t measure you can’t improve, so it’s important to be monitoring the analytics throughout the campaign. 

How are your sources performing? What are visitors doing once they land on your destination? Are they consuming more assets? Are they completing the actions you want them to take? 

Metrics like bounce rate, items per session, time on page, and conversion rate are all excellent indicators of how the campaign is performing. If you have KPIs you’re working towards, see how the campaign lines up and make adjustments along the way to test and optimize the experience.

Some Uberflip Analytics dashboards that can help track this activity include:

  • Campaign Performance Dashboard (filtered on the UTM campaign)
  • Visitor Acquisition Dashboard (filtered on the UTM campaign)
  • Single Stream Performance Dashboard (filtered to the campaign’s stream)
  • Form/Link CTA Performance Dashboard (filtered on the campaign CTA)
  • Entry Page Performance Dashboard (filtered to the UTM campaign)

Important! Make sure you use your UTM parameters consistently, as this will help you get accurate tracking.

Schedule dashboard data to be sent to you weekly. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in these dashboards, make your own! Using the Explore tool, you can create custom reports and dashboards and monitor the KPIs you really care about. 

Wrapping Up

Your campaigns are key to growing your pipeline and business. By putting some extra love into your destination, you can expect your campaign to perform better— and you can use the results to guide and optimize campaigns into the future. 

If you have any questions on how best to optimize your campaign, speak to your Customer Success Manager, or reach out to the Uberflip Expert Services team :)