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How to Build a World-Class B2B Thought Leadership and Corporate Evangelist Program

MarketingProfs B2B Marketing Forum

Date/Time: Thursday, October 20 @ 3:15pm

Speaker: Loren McDonald, Vice President, Industry Relations/Marketing Evangelist at IBM Marketing Cloud

Has your brand's thought leadership been buried by your general content marketing activities? Never fear – Loren McDonald will help you find it again!

In this session, you’ll learn how to create differentiated content (thought leadership) and bring it to life across multiple channels by building an evangelism program that maximizes your return on content assets. Loren will discuss program elements and examples, including studies/surveys, speaking, webinars, blogs/articles, whitepapers/tip sheets, videos, social media, and more. You’ll also discover the key roles and value of corporate evangelists who bring your content to life.

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