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Congratulations to the Q1 2022 Corie Award Winners

At Uberflip, we take our Core Values very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that we turned them into awards to be handed out at our quarterly kickoff events. We call these awards ‘The Cories’.

We broke down our Core Values here to bring you up to speed. Each quarter we put out a call to the entire company to nominate their colleagues who best embody our six Core Values. This quarter was filled with some amazing nominations and super deserving winners!

Culture Award

The Culture Award goes to the Uberflipper who puts culture above all else. This quarter, we're congratulating Anthony D’Antonio! Check out these awesome nominations from Anthony’s colleagues: 

“Anthony is a great team player who wants to see everyone around him be successful and improve, both inside and outside his department. He really brings the Uberflip culture full circle!”
“Anthony leads by example, genuinely cares about the well-being of his team, and brings an insanely high standard to everything he does. He makes everyone around him better thanks to his willingness to participate in open discussions, share best practices, and give advice rooted in experienced success. Best of all though, his humility and kindness come through in everything he does. He doesn't get enough recognition and I truly think this Corie would be a great way to recognize how much he puts in on a consistent basis.”

Communication Award

The next Corie Award is our Communication award. This award is for the Uberflipper who makes the most impact through open communication. This quarter the award went to Kathryn Hajjar! Once you read the nominations we’re sure you’ll agree with this decision! 

“​​Kathryn is killing it in her new role as an AD. She has been a phenomenal partner to CSMs and their clients. She approaches each meeting as a discussion, and asks the right questions to uncover new opportunities. The new partnership of AD and CSM has helped bring more value to our clients. Her hustle is evident as she closes deal after deal and keeps a smile on her face as she goes.”

“Kathryn takes some of the best notes I have ever seen! Her notes result in easy and thorough knowledge transfer when she needs to bring in additional resources on her accounts, which really produces an excellent experience for her customers and the internal resources.” 

Experience Award

Next, our Experience Award. At Uberflip we’re all about creating great experiences so it’s no surprise this is a core value of ours. This award goes to the Uberflipper who creates an incredible, noteworthy experience in some way, Congratulations Jacob Pojar! Check out his nominations below:

“Jacob had an immediate impact on the web dev team after he started. He brought the skills and experience to help elevate the team and the payoff is showing.  The team is well on track with a scalability mindset on changing the course of how OB approaches client hub builds and supercharging time to value.”

L.U.V. The Customer Award

Our L.U.V. the Customer Award is our newest core value and is centered around Listening, Understanding and Valuing the Customer. This award is given to the Uberflipper who always puts the customer first. It comes as no surprise that Mehria Karimzadah is this quarter's winner! Here's what Mehria's colleagues said about her: 

“Mehria understands the importance of helping our clients and ensuring they have the best experience with our platform. She takes the time to thoroughly prepare and bring new ideas to each of her meetings, and is great at planning and goal-setting. This ensures her clients see value in each interaction with our company, and know we are putting our best foot forward. Mehr is also a great teammate, as she helps us solve problems for our own clients.”
“Mehria works so hard to stay on top of her book of accounts and always has the customer in mind. She consistently advocates for her customers while keeping open lines of communication and always sets realistic expectations. We are so lucky to have her in front of some of our most important customers.”


Give Back Award 

If you’ve followed Uberflip for long enough you know how important our Give Back core value is to us. We commit to donating 1% of our annual growth to charitable causes every year. That same Give Back mentality is shared amongst Uberflippers and this award goes to the Uberflipper who gives back to our community or team in the most impactful way. This quarter that Uberflipper was Sarah Burgess!

“Sarah is unbelievably generous with her time for other Uberflippers and clients. She has led several CX Fuel sessions to educate us on her areas of expertise, she is always available to hop on a call and work through a tricky customer question, and she is constantly answering our questions on best practices of the platform. She is willing to explore any and all use cases, whether or not she works directly with the client through UES, as she sees these as an opportunity to learn. Her curiosity and incredible work ethic have helped many clients unfold opportunities with the platform. We are lucky to have Sarah and her one-woman-team of UES.”

“Sarah is always willing and eager to help all of her teammates. She is kind and encouraging and always makes learning fun and collaborative. Despite Sarah's brilliance, she is also extremely humble and never comes off as though she knows everything (even though she basically does). She always makes sure she understands where others are coming from when they come to her for help, and meets her teammates at their knowledge level. What would we do without Sarah! (WWWDWS).”


H.U.S.T.L.E Award

Last but not least, our H.U.S.T.L.E. Award! The acronym stands for Heart, Unique, Skill, Tech, Lean, Entrepreneurial. This core value is at the center of everything we do at Uberflip. We award this Corie to the Uberflipper who embodies the spirit of HUSTLE day in and out. This quarter’s H.U.S.T.L.E. Corie award winner was Yaroslav!! Here's a sample of what him colleagues said about him:

"He was a great onboarding buddy. Always sharing his knowledge especially to new developers. Always has a strong opinion and is not afraid to discuss them with the team.” 

“Yaro works tirelessly to make the customers happy. His work with "maps error rate" was a spectacular win for our clients.”

Congratulations to all of our nominees and our Q1 Corie Award winners! See you next quarter.