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Is Your IT Department Slowing Down Your Marketing Efforts?

Content marketing is a constantly evolving practice. There are no official rules, and it’s often a process of trial-and-error trying to determine what content will resonate well with your audience. Much of this can be very reactionary: You notice an emerging hot topic and you need to quickly pump out something great to direct this momentum toward your brand.

Much of the time, content lives somewhere on your website. Marketers are great at many things, but web development is typically not one of those. So, once you have your content ready, most it then gets sent to the abyss that is the IT department. You need to get your content out now, which doesn’t sit well with the long queue of other tasks that IT has to get done before it gets to your time-sensitive piece. Before you know it, your eBook on an emerging trend finally gets posted – after it’s already become a passing fad.

DISCLAIMER: If there are any IT staff in the room, have them look away from the screen now. As it turns out, you don’t need the IT department to put great content online! Sounds crazy, right? Well, think again! The struggle for marketers to free themselves from the shackles of IT is a pain point that’s felt by many, and there are a ton of tools out there designed to help with that exact problem.

With an Uberflip Hub, all of your existing content – tweets, Flipbooks, blogs, videos and more – can be pulled into one centralized brand experience that’s completely in your control. Everything in the Hub has been designed with the marketer in mind, so you’ll have no problem taking ownership of virtually all aspects of your content marketing. In this post, I’ll explain how you can use Uberflip to better manage your content without even needing to think of IT.

Real-time Control of your Website

It’s really easy to embed your Hub in an iFrame window that sits on your company’s website. Granted, this might need a little help from IT to initially set up, but once that’s done, you’ll never need to bug them to manage the content marketing on your site ever again! You choose whether to have all Items, specific Item types, or Items relating to a specific topic living in this section. These are all updated in real-time and are done fully within Uberflip, by you!


It’s crucial to ensure that your brand looks great. We’ve made it very easy to customize nearly all aspects of your Hub to be consistent with your branding. You can add your own logo and customize the colours used to really make things feel like your own. The tools available allow you to make quick tweaks or really dive in and get things exactly right.


Effective content marketing isn’t just providing a ton of content, but curating an experience that is relevant for your audience. In your Hub, you can opt to hide irrelevant Items, feature your most popular content so it’s more prominent, and even create Custom Collections of Items pertaining to a specific topic. All of this, of course, is done with literally a click of a button.

The marketing team at Uberflip likes to practice what it preaches. Even though the team of developers that has designed the product we’re using is literally steps away, we never need to bother them to help us with our content. We use our platform to self-manage our marketing, and are truly liberated by the ability to create immersive experiences with no coding whatsoever. If you haven’t created a Hub yet,  try creating one for free and see for yourself how easy it is.